A theme for pelican which mimics the look of LaTeX documents
Nevar pievienot vairāk kā 25 tēmas
Tēmai ir jāsākas ar burtu vai ciparu, tā var saturēt domu zīmes ('-') un var būt līdz 35 simboliem gara.
- {% extends "base.html" %}
- {% block content %}
- <section id="content">
- {% block content_title %}
- <h2>All articles</h2>
- {% endblock %}
- <ol id="post-list">
- {% for article in articles_page.object_list %}
- <li>
- <article class="hentry">
- <header>
- <h2 class="entry-title">
- <a href="{{ SITEURL }}/{{ article.url }}" rel="bookmark" title="Permalink to {{ article.title|striptags }}">{{ article.title }}</a>
- </h2>
- <div class="post-info">
- <time class="published" datetime="{{ article.date.isoformat() }}"> {{ article.locale_date }} </time>
- <address class="vcard author">By
- {% for author in article.authors %}
- <a class="url fn" href="{{ SITEURL }}/{{ author.url }}">{{ author }}</a>
- {% endfor %}
- </address>
- </div><!-- /.post-info -->
- </header>
- <div class="entry-content">
- {{ article.summary }}
- </div><!-- /.entry-content -->
- </article>
- </li>
- {% endfor %}
- </ol><!-- /#posts-list -->
- {% if articles_page.has_other_pages() %}
- {% include 'pagination.html' %}
- {% endif %}
- </section><!-- /#content -->
- {% endblock content %}
- <!-- vim:ts=2:sw=2:et:ft=html -->