A theme for pelican which mimics the look of LaTeX documents
Não pode escolher mais do que 25 tópicos Os tópicos devem começar com uma letra ou um número, podem incluir traços ('-') e podem ter até 35 caracteres.

70 linhas
2.0 KiB

  1. {% extends "base.html" %}
  2. {% block html_lang %}{{ article.lang }}{% endblock %}
  3. {% block title %}{{ SITENAME }} - {{ article.title }}{% endblock %}
  4. {% block head %}
  5. {{ super() }}
  6. {% import 'translations.html' as translations with context %}
  7. {% if translations.entry_hreflang(article) %}
  8. {{ translations.entry_hreflang(article) }}
  9. {% endif %}
  10. {% if article.description %}
  11. <meta name="description" content="{{article.description}}" />
  12. {% endif %}
  13. {% for tag in article.tags %}
  14. <meta name="tags" content="{{tag}}" />
  15. {% endfor %}
  16. {% endblock %}
  17. {% block content %}
  18. <section id="content" class="body">
  19. <header>
  20. <h2 class="entry-title">
  21. <a href="./{{ article.url }}" rel="bookmark"
  22. title="Permalink to {{ article.title|striptags }}">{{ article.title }}</a></h2>
  23. {% import 'translations.html' as translations with context %}
  24. {{ translations.translations_for(article) }}
  25. <div class="post-info">
  26. <time class="published" datetime="{{ article.date.isoformat() }}">
  27. {{ article.locale_date }}
  28. </time>
  29. {% if article.modified %}
  30. <time class="modified" datetime="{{ article.modified.isoformat() }}">
  31. {{ article.locale_modified }}
  32. </time>
  33. {% endif %}
  34. {% if article.authors %}
  35. <address class="vcard author">
  36. By {% for author in article.authors %}<a class="url fn" href="./{{ author.url }}">{{ author }}</a>{% endfor %}
  37. </address>
  38. {% endif %}
  39. </div>
  40. </header>
  41. <div class="entry-content">
  42. {{ article.content }}
  43. </div><!-- /.entry-content -->
  44. <footer class="post-info">
  45. {% if article.category %}
  46. <div class="category">
  47. Category: <a href="./{{ article.category.url }}">{{ article.category }}</a>
  48. </div>
  49. {% endif %}
  50. {% if article.tags %}
  51. <div class="tags">
  52. Tags:
  53. {% for tag in article.tags %}
  54. <a href="./{{ tag.url }}">{{ tag }}</a>
  55. {% endfor %}
  56. </div>
  57. {% endif %}
  58. </footer><!-- /.post-info -->
  59. </section>
  60. {% endblock %}
  61. <!-- vim:ts=2:sw=2:et:ft=html -->